Deciding to go nuclear is a big move. Once decided there should not be any retraction or it would be difficult to be re-activated in the future. Hence, it is a big decision.
Sufficient preparation must be in-place even for making this decision so that any reaction, hostile or just adverse, can be handled effectively and convincingly. Groups unsympathetic to the cause may take difference posture. Public acceptance, once again, becomes one of the main decisive factors. Fact and figures can persuade the public especially if these can be made to touch the heart and appeal to emotions. After all acceptance is an emotive act.
Comfort level of the public must be raised with respect to the issues of radioactive waste, nuclear safety, and fuel supply assurance and security, among others. Already the thinking public is questioning about the availability of fuel to supply the 'nuclear renaissance.'
Also, 'nuclear renaissance' should not just be manifested in the numbers of nuclear power reactors being put to grid, constructed, or planned, but also in other aspects of nuclear electricity generation. Waste, safety, proliferation, and access to technology as well as sufficient level of self-dependency must be considered and explained to the general public, especially the voting public.
Modern medicine?
6 years ago